Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving and wonderful friends

Deb and George invited me for a stroll around the IU campus on Thanksgiving day. I had no idea how beautiful that campus is! I knew how beautiful Deb and G. are but - wow - the campus was quite a surprise. I knew pictures wouldn't do it justice but here are a few

The mission? Wearing out Tara. I've known Iditarod sled dogs that had less stamina than Tara! Our Tara isn't pulling a sled but she is has another passion - chasing squirrels. And she is strong. Luckily George volunteered to hang on to her rope.
The campus seems so wide-open, beautiful trees. Seriously beautiful trees, bushes, and flowers.

And statues - we made them into interactional statues. We walked by Hoagy Carmichael:
Hoagy and Deb jamming...
Deb and Tara taking a bow and blowing kisses!
The campus has an observatory, open to the public once a week! I have never been in an observatory. Of course, with my lousy sense of direction I won't be able to find this one again, either, but it's cool knowing it is there!
Aaaaand.....Tara takes off with G. right after the above picture of the observatory - there they go after another squirrel! Hang on, George!!!
And Adam and Eve make an appearance. Eve kicked Adam to the curb last year, supposedly it was a tornado going through campus but I'm not so sure. George isn't so sure, either.
When you come to a fork in the road, take it. Y.B.

And, finally, I get the chance to cozy up to Herman B...

A wonderful day on a beautiful campus! I am very thankful to call Deb and George my friends!
See ya!

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