Saturday, September 4, 2010

A new little friend

I decided I needed a keychain. I have been thinking about making some, thought they might be quick to make and I could add them to my Christmas box. The first one, at least, was not quick! It takes a lot of hidden knots to make sure the dratted thing doesn't come apart at some point! But, like most beadwork, I am sure it will get quicker as I make a few more. The really neat thing is that a new little friend came along to look at it while I was taking pictures.

I had washed some rugs and was drying them over the deck railing so I just used one of them for my picture.

Then here comes another little critter who must have like what he saw!

Unfortunately, he has no real need for a key chain that is 5 times his size so he trundled along on his way to more important things.

It was nice of him to visit, though!

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