Monday, May 31, 2010

In celebration of Debbie's new garage.....

I decided to 'de-hoard' my garage and muck it out. I like to keep my truck parked in my garage instead of sitting out on the driveway cluttering up the neighborhood. But my landscaping efforts at the beginning of May made my usual 'messy' habits even worse. These pictures were taken on May 10th and are the 'before' pictures - don't worry, Debbie, the 'after' pictures are below these! I know Bob will be proud!


Yep - even the attic was stuffed!!

Today I finished 'de-hoarding' the garage. I still have to put up hooks for various implements, jackets, extension cords, etc. I have the hooks, I have a stud-finder, but will wait for another day to try to find the dratted stud. And, no, I can't hear the change in sound by tapping on the wall.



Finally - after a month of parking in the driveway I can get my truck in the garage tonight!

Unfortunately, this concludes my wonderful 5 day vacation! But it has been productive, maybe I can do this again on the July 4th holiday weekend!

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