Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mom and Sydney's new pal, Tinkerbelle

Tinker seems to be settling right in. A few skirmishes as she and Sydney sort out who does what in the pack. Tinker has taken to remaining on the 'high ground'! It is safer that way when she has finally gotten on Sydney's last nerve.


Mom said Tinker was sharing a secret with her! I wonder what it was?!

Hmmmm, I guess it was the day for secrets but I was the only one who wasn't in on it. Tinker - you are a little troublemaker!

Tink likes to hang out in the ivy for some reason - maybe it slows Sydney down.

Sydney is taking a bit of a's hard work keeping up with a one-year old puppy!

Most of my pictures look like this - the two dogs speeding by. One chases the other then the game reverses and all I get is noses and tails!

Once again - thank you, Judy! All is going well. You done good.

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