Saturday, February 27, 2010


Thanks to my friend, Judy, Miss Tinkerbelle has come to live with Mom and Sydney. Tinker is a 1 year old Yorkie girl, Sydney is an 11 year old Cairn Terrier (a Toto dog), Mom is.....Leader of the Pack!
This is a picture of the pack looking out the front window...a nice sunny place to watch the neighborhood and also take a little snooze in the sun if all is quiet.


Like all one year old puppies, Tinker is 'full speed ahead'! It is hard to sneak up on her and get a picture. This is the only one I was able to get. I wanted to be a 'before' picture before she goes to the groomer.


Welcome, Tinkerbelle - Tinker is on the left in this picutre. Judy made sure you have the very best of homes! Thank you, Judy!

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