Saturday, May 29, 2010

Landscaping on side of the house - finished!

Happy Days! And it was HOT out there yesterday afternoon. Sure wish I was a morning person.
The front flower bed is looking good -everyone survived the winter.

Going to the right, around the side of the house, past the flower bed with Day Lillies and past the first town of hostas, are my new little hosta plants. Lots of top soil and lots of mulch was hauled out there in the hot afternoon sun!

Grow babies grow!!!
This is the first year I am trying just newspaper under the mulch instead of newspaper and then 5-year landscaping cloth. I layered the newspaper to about 1/8 to 14/ inch. I am hoping it does as good a job of keeping the weeds down as the landscaping cloth does.

And in the backyard - my red coneflower has started to emerge. This one faded in the hot sun last year so it may need to be moved to the side of the backyard.

I think my garden is doing well - it looked like this 3 years ago when I planted it

And two years before, in 2005, when I bought it it was pretty bad. I bet Steve Bayer remembers these bushes! That yellow door was incredible. At least the house was hard to miss!

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