Sunday, November 8, 2009

Beady-Eyed Bunch!

I drove up to Indy on Thursday to hang with the original Beady-Eyed Bunch. It was good to talk 'bead' with those who were there - Peggy, Vicki, Bonani, and Laura. I had the chance to take some pictures of Vicki and Bonani's work and Laura and I took pictures of each other. I sure do miss being able to get together and have a lunchtime bead-in once a week!

Ahhhh - just like old times! We missed you, Madeline! I just had to hug everyone! And we all know how much Vicki loves her hugs!
Now on to the pictures --- Vicki first (since Bonani was late - some kind of excuse about working or something. Sheesh. She still doesn't have her priorities straight!). Vicki has been a busy lady:

Very nicely done, Vicki!

So - why the ladybug? Well, we found it on the floor and thought it should be on the flower. Go figure. It was a good final resting place for the little lady bug. We wondered how it got on the 12th floor of a downtown highrise building that doesn't have windows that open. Then shrugged and decided to make sure her travels would be documented. It is actually not part of Vicki's pendent.
I wasn't able to get a good picture of Vicki's bird cage piece - it is the photographer's fault - it is a very interesting necklace. Good work!

Bonani has been very busy! She has breezed through all of the beginning pieces and has done them very well. Wouldn't expect anything less of her, though:

A spiral rope - and done with many different sizes and types of beads - this is a beautiful bracelet!

Another elegant piece - beautiful colors and the stitching was perfect. It isn't easy to maintain tension on a piece that has several different sizes of beads. Good work!

Another piece, a simple netted necklace, that requires a lot of attention to tension and a verrrry long thread to keep untangled!

And, finally, the Lacey Daisy. I apologize, Bonani - I didn't get a good picture of these two bracelets and this picture just doesn't do them justice!

This is a pattern by Carol Ohl - her patterns can be found on and she seems to have a talent for providing excellent directions in a visual format that can be followed easily.

You can see more of her patterns here:

And that is all for our Thursday beading group! It was very wonderful to get to see you guys!

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